Ersel Hengirmen

+90 (538) 547-4014 ยท

I am a 3rd year computer engineering student in Middle East Technical University. I am currently interested in combinatorial optimization problems and different approximation methods/heuristics about said problems. You can reach my resume here.


Middle East Technical University

Bachelor of Science
Computer Engineering

CGPA: 3.70

3rd year student. METU is a highly competitive technical university with a rigorous amount of coursework and some of the best students in the country. I have a CGPA of 3.7/4.0 and my CGPA in departmental courses is 3.87/4.0.

2019 - Expected: July 2023


Research Intern

METU Computer Engineering Department

Worked on and created multiple linear programming based approximations to ATM Cash Replenishment Optimization Problem's generalized version for multiple ATM's and created an Integer Programming Model for the generalized problem. Also compared the results of our research with previously published Genetic Algorithm solutions by recreating the Genetic Model and tried and compared the problem with different Mutation and crossover functions.

June 2021 - September 2021


METU Career Planning Application and Research Center

Helped design their career fair site ( acording to METUCPC's specifications and helped maintain it before and after their career fair event.

December 2020 - March 2021


Huffman Coding

Basic C++ file archiver and archive extractor programs based on Huffman's lossless compression algorithm.

Source code is avaliable on Github

Volunteer Experience

Member of Board of Directors

METU Computer Club

METU CCLUB is a technical student club aiming to form a community for students interested in computer science. I have attended and organized multiple club events both in my time as a member and as a board and supervisory board member.I also organized and wrote competitive programming questions for METU CCLUB's annual programming contests KODTU(university-wide) and PY(nation-wide) for 2 years.

2020 - 2021

Member of Supervisory Board

METU Computer Club
2021 - Present


Programming Languages & Tools
  • C++
  • C
  • Python
  • Assembly(x86-64)
  • Haskell
  • Git
  • Latex

Awards & Certifications

  • 1st place in OYUN 2013
  • Turkish Intelligence Foundation's (TZV) annual brain teaser competition. Competing in these contests helped me look at algorithms from different perspectives. They also improved my problem-solving skills.

  • 3rd place in OYUN 2010